
    Governor to inaugurate Flag Day for the Blind

    प्रकाशित तारीख: September 12, 2018

    The Governor of Maharashtra CH. Vidyasagar Rao will inaugurate the All India Flag Day for the Blind organized by the National Association for the Blind, India (NAB) at Raj Bhavan, Mumbai at 1100 hrs on Friday, 14 September 2018. Hemant Takle, MLC, Rameshwar Kalantri, President, Gopi Mayur, General Secretary and office bearers of NAB Maharashtra Unit will be present on the occasion.

    Every year the All India Flag Day for the Blind is celebrated by the NAB throughout the country in collaboration with its 22 State Branches and affiliated institutions to raise funds. The Flag Fund is utilized to finance various activities of the Association aimed at prevention of blindness and rehabilitation and reintegration of the blind by offering specialized programmes to blind persons including blind women, aging blinds, children, and blind persons from rural areas. (Gopi Mayur 9822027002)