
Address by Governor at the release Sindhi edition of ‘Charaiveti, Charaiveti’

प्रकाशित तारीख: March 3, 2019

Address by Shri CH. Vidyasagar Rao, Hon’ble Governor of Maharashtra at the release of the Sindhi edition of the ‘Charaiveti, Charaiveti’ authored by Shri Ram Naik, Hon’ble Govenor of Uttar Pradesh at 3.00 pm on Sunday, 3 March 2019

Shri Ram Naik, Hon’ble Governor of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Vinod Tawde,Hon’ble Minister of Education, Culture and Sports, Shri Ashish Shelar, MLA,Shri Lachmandas Chandiramani,President, Bharatiya Sindhu Sabha,Shri Mahesh Tejwani, Honorary Secretary, Shri Ajeet Manyal, Bandra Hindu Association, distnguished invitees, ladies and gentlemen,

Good afternoon and a warm welcome to each one of you to Raj Bhavan.

I am indeed honoured to be here for the release of the Sindhi version of the book ‘Charaiveti, Charaiveti’authored by my most esteemed senior colleague Hon’ble Governor of Uttar Pradesh Shri Ram Naik Ji.

I have had the privilege of working with Shri Ram Naik Ji for many years. He was my senior colleague in the Cabinet led by former Prime Minister late Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee during 1999 – 2004.

Interestingly, Shri Ram Naik Ji also has had a long association with this Raj Bhavan, although in a different role.

Old timers from Raj Bhavan recalled that Ram Naikji used to visit this Raj Bhavan on several occasions.

They mentioned to me, that quite often Ram Naik Ji came to meet Governors with delegation of ordinary citizens seeking justice, or with MLAs and people’s representatives to hand over memorandums of demands.

I learnt from the book that Ram Naik ji had even raised a point of propriety against a former Governor of Maharashtra, which eventually led to the Governor submitting his resignation !

But, I am very happy that today Shri Ram Naik Ji is visiting the Raj Bhavan as the Governor of the largest State in India, Uttar Pradesh. Under his leadership Uttar Pradesh is transforming into an Uttam Pradesh.

I congratulate the Bharatiya Sindhu Sabha, the Centenarian ‘Bandra Hindu Association’ and the Spandan Arts for organizing the function to release the Sindhi version of the book‘Charaiveti, Charaiveti’ authored by Shri Ram Naik Ji.

I will particularly congratulate Adv Ashish Shelar, MLA, Shri Lathram Nagwani, Shri Mahesh Tejwani and Dr Ajit Manyal for their sincere efforts in organizing this function in Raj Bhavan.

I am sure, the Sindhi version of the book will enable our Sindhi brothers and sisters to know about the inspiring life and work of Shri Ram Naik Ji.

I would like to convey our special compliments and congratulations to Shri Sukhdev Sadhwani, who has translated the memoirs into Sindhi Language.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Speaking of Mahatma Gandhi, renowned scientist Dr Albert Einstein had famously said, and I quote,“Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one, as this, ever in flesh and blood, walked upon this earth.” (unquote)

These very lines distinctly come to my mind when I look at the saintly life, work and struggle of Ram Naik Ji.

Shri Ram Naik Ji belongs to the rapidly diminishing league of people’s representative for whom service to society is a matter of faith and religion.

A dedicated Swayam Sevak of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, a dispassionate social worker, a committed people’s representative, a fierce nationalist, a model Parliamentarian, a successful Minister and now an outstanding Governor. Ram Naik Ji combines in him all these attributes and much more. He is truly a Maharashtra Ratna and Bharat Bhushan !!

‘Charaiveti, Charaiveti’ is not just Memoirs of a sincere public servant; it is a Gita for all those who aspire to work for the people, for society and for the nation.

One thing distinctly stands out about Ram Naik Ji…and that is, his continued commitment for the welfare of the most disadvantaged sections of society.

Even after becoming Governor, I understand, he takes up various issues of his people with the Chief Minister of Maharashtra and follows up the matters regularly. Truly remarkable.

The chapter on his work for the Leprosy Affected Persons shows the humane aspect of his personality. He took the trouble of reaching out to the people who were living on the peripheries of society, abandoned and outcast. More than forty years after he met Leprosy Affected Persons, Naik Ji continues his commitment for their welfare. This is hallmark of a great leader.

Ram Naik Ji has also maintained his bonds of friendships with ordinary Fishermen, Christians and other segments of society from his constituency, even after he lost one election.

Ram Naik Ji admits the influence of late Shri Rambhau Mhalgi, Kanetkar Ji and Hashu Advani Ji on his life. However, one can notice that Swatantryaveer Savarkar had cast deepest influence on the life of Ram Naik Ji.

The work done by Ram Naik Ji to restore the honour and dignity to Swatantryaveer Savarkar can never be forgotten by the people of Maharashtra and the people of the entire nation.

When he found that one former Union Minister had removed Savarkar’s poem from the Savarkar memorial at Andaman, he raised the issue in Parliament. After Shri Narendra Modi Ji became the Prime Minister of India, Shri Ram Naik got a Flame erected at the memorial and installed Savarkar’s poem at the Memorial in Andaman.

As Minister of State for Railways, he created many facilities for the ordinary passengers both on the Suburban trains and on the long distance trains. The Konkan Railway project was launched when he was MoS for Railways. Likewise, he was also instrumental in increasing the availability of LPG connections to households in his capacity as Petroleum Minister.

One of the cardinal principles of democracy is the continued commitment of elected representatives to the people. In his long journey of seven decades in public life, Ram Naik ji has observed this principle of accountability to the people, in letter and spirit.

He must be the only people’s representative who has published his Work Reports on a regular basis.

Even after becoming the Governor of Uttar Pradesh, he has maintained the tradition of publishing his work report after a regular interval. He has thus proved himself as a Model Governor for all fellow Governors.

Life had taken a strange turn for Ram Naik ji when he was diagnosed with cancer. When Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee Ji met him to wish him speedy recovery, Ram Naik ji made him one promise. That promise was that, he would spend his bonus life for and only for serving the society.

Ram Naik ji has kept the word he gave to Atal Ji after recuperating from cancer.

Rare are people like Atal Ji and so are noble souls like Ram Naik ji.

I convey my deepest appreciation to Governor Shri Ram Naik Ji for writing this eminently readable book and I would urge him to write a more elaborate autobiography.

Once again, I congratulate the Organizers and I appeal to the people to read the Memoirs of this gem of a human being.

Thank you

Jai Hind ! Jai Maharashtra !!!