
    Amendment to the Eligibility Conditions for being elelected or nominated as a member of any authority of the University

    Authority and Section

    Eligibility conditions for being elected as a member of the


    SENATE (Section 25)

    S.25(2)(l)   –   PRINCIPALS – Eighteen

    Elected by – Electoral college consisting
    of Principals

    1. Of Affiliated Conducted & Autonomous Colleges
    2.  Of whom not less than two, shall be woman
    3. At least one shall be the person belonging to SC/ST/DTNT/OBC by rotation
    4. Shall possess Ph.D. degree, unless appointed before 13/10/2000
    5. Minimum 5 years experience as principal
    6. Minimum 15 years experience of  teaching
    7. Having worked for atleast 5 times as Paper Setter / Examiner/ Moderator 
      / Chairman/ Co-ordinator of CAP at University exams

    S.25 (2) (m) – REPRESENTATIVES   

    OF MANAGEMENT (Eight) – of
    of Affiliated Colleges or Recognized


    Elected by – Electoral college consisting
    Chairman/President/ Representative of Mgt. as Mgt may recommend –

    1. Two  shall be women
    2. One shall be the person belonging to SC/ST/DTNT/OBC by rotation
    3. Shall be an office bearer of an Educational Institution of 10 years
      standing at degree level
    4. Minimum 5 years experience as Chairman /Secretary of Institution Shall
      represent an institution
    5. Shall represent an institution having certification by recognized accrediting
      bodies established by apex bodies in the country eg. NAAC, NBA etc. & recognition
      from UGC under 2(f) & 12(b)

    S.25(2)(p) – TEACHER (Twenty)

    Elected by – Teachers from amongst themselves
    seats being allotted faculty

    wise proportionately

    1. Three shall be women
    2.   Two shall be the person belonging to SC/ST/DTNT/OBC by
    3. Having teaching experience not less than 5 years.
    4. Other than Heads of University Department/ Institutions or Principals
      / Heads of Recognized Institutions 
    5. Shall possess Ph.D.  degree
    6. Having worked for at least 5 times as Chairman/Paper Setter / Moderator
      / Exam Co-ordinator at University level appointed by University.


    Elected by – Electoral college constituted as provided in Section 99(5) 

    1. One shall be Woman
    2. One each shall be from the person belonging to SC/ST/DTNT/OBC
    3. Registered Graduates shall not include graduates falling in the category
      of teachers (Regular/Contract Basis) Principals/Heads of the Departments/ Managements
      or any other categories mentioned in this sub-section
    4. Shall have graduated atleast 10 years prior to the date of the Election.
    5. Shall not be an office bearer of any Affiliated College, Institutions,
      Recognized Institutions

    S.25(2)(y) – POST GRADUATE TEACHERS (Five)

    Elected by – PG teachers from amongst themselves

    1. Having not less than 5 years teaching experience at Post Graduate level
    2. Two shall be women
    3. One shall be the person belonging to SC/ST/DTNT/OBC by rotation
    4. Shall possess Ph.D. degree
    5. Having worked atleast 5 times as a Paper Setter/Examiner/Co-ordinator/
      Moderator at University Examination 
    6. Published minimum 3 Research Papers in peer reviewed/ refereed National
      / International research Journals
    7. Shall be a Ph.D. guide.



    S.27 (1) (c)- DEAN (one)

    Elected by – Senate from amongst Deans

    1. Having not less than 10 years of teaching experience
    2. Minimum 3 years experience as HOD
    3. Shall possess Ph.D.
    4. Published minimum 3 Research Papers in peer reviewed/refereed National
      / International research Journals
    5. Shall be a Ph.D. guide
       Having worked for at least 5 times as Chairman/Paper
      Setter/ Moderator/Exam Co-ordinator at University level appointed by University

    S. 27 (1) (j) PRINCIPAL (Two)

    Elected by – Senate :-

    1. From amongst Principals who are Members of Senate
    2. Of whom One Principal to be from SC/ST/DTNT/OBC by rotation
    3. Shall possess Ph.D. degree, unless appointed before 13/10/2000
    4. Minimum 5 years experience as principal
    5. Minimum 15 years experience of  teaching
    6. Having worked for atleast 5 times as Paper Setter / Examiner/ Moderator 
      / Chairman/ Co-ordinator of CAP at University exams

    S.27(1)(k) – TEACHER (One)

     Elected by – 
    Senate from amongst the teachers who are members of the Senate.

    1. From University Department/ University Institution
    2. With 10 years Post Graduate teaching experience
    3. Who is not a Head/Director of University Department/Institution
    4. If not available then at least 5 years PG teaching experience
    5. Should possess Ph.D. degree
    6. Having worked atleast 5 times as a Paper Setter/Examiner/Co-ordinator/
      Moderator at University Examination 
    7. Published minimum 3 Research Papers in peer reviewed/ refereed National
      / International research Journals
    8. Shall be a Ph.D. guide

    S.27(1)(l)   –   TEACHERS  (Two)

    Elected by –  Senate from amongst teachers
    of Affiliated Colleges, who are  Members of Senate

    1. Teacher to be from Affiliated College & Member of Senate
    2. 16 years teaching experience
    3. Who is not a Principal
    4. One of whom to be a Woman
    5. Shall possess Ph.D.  degree
    6. Having worked for at least 5 times as Chairman/Paper Setter / Moderator
      / Exam Co-ordinator at University level appointed by University

    S.27(1)(m)   –   PERSON  (One)

    Elected by – Senate from amongst it’s members

    1. Who is not a Dean/Head/Director of University Department/ Principal/Teacher/
      Student Member/ Representative of Management

    S.27(1)(n)   –   PERSONS  (Three)

    Elected by – Academic Council from amongst
    its members As prescribed by Statue.

    S.27(1)(o)  –    REPRESENTATIVES OF Management 

    Elected by – Senate

    1. By Senate from amongst themselves
    2. One of whom shall be a Woman representative
    3. Shall be an office bearer of an Educational Institution of 10 years
      standing at degree level
    4. Minimum 5 years experience as Chairman/Secretary of Institution
    5. Should represent an institution having certification by recognized
      accrediting bodies established by apex bodies in the country eg. NAAC, NBA etc.
      & recognition from UGC under 2(f) & 12(b)


    S.29(2)(f) – PRINCIPAL (Eight)

    Elected by –Principals from amongst themselves

    1. Of Affiliated Conducted & Autonomous Colleges
    2. Of whom two shall be woman
    3. One shall be the person belonging to SC/ST/DTNT/OBC by rotation
    4. Shall possess Ph.D. degree, unless appointed before 13/10/2000
    5. Minimum 5 years experience as principal
    6. Minimum 15 years experience of  teaching
    7. Having worked for atleast 5 times as Paper Setter / Examiner/ Moderator 
      / Chairman/ Co-ordinator of CAP at University exams


    Elected by – Electoral college consisting
    Chairman/President/Nominee of each Mgt. from amongst themselves.  Where the
    Mgt. conduct more than one college/Recognized institution only one nominee of the
    Mgt. shall be member of the electoral college.  

    1. Shall be an office bearer of an Educational Institution of 10 years
      standing at degree level
    2. Minimum 5 years experience as Chairman/Secretary of Institution
    3. Shall represent an institution having certification by recognized accrediting
      bodies established by apex bodies in the country eg. NAAC, NBA etc. & recognition
      from UGC under 2(f) & 12(b)


    S.33(5)(c)    –   Members of each Board
    of Studies  (Three)

    Elected by – Members by Board of Studies
    from amongst themselves

    Of whom at least ONE shall be Post
    Graduate teacher

    S.15(2) – Dean

    1. S. 15(2)(a) Shall be elected by  members of the faculty from amongst
      themselves and shall not be eligible for election for a second consecutive term.
    2. S. 15(2)(b) NO member assigned by the Academic Council on the faculty
      shall be eligible to contest the election to the post of the Dean.
    3. Having not less than 10 years of teaching experience
    4. Minimum 3 years experience as Head of the Department
    5. Shall possess Ph.D.
    6. Published minimum 3 Research Papers in peer reviewed/refereed National
      / International research Journals
    7. Shall be a Ph.D. guide
    8. Having worked for at least 5 times as Chairman/Paper Setter/Moderator/
      Exam  Co-ordinator at University level appointed by University