06.10.2023: Governor inaugurates the 3rd World Congress in Cardiac Imaging and Clinical Cardiology

06.10.2023: Governor Ramesh Bais inaugurated the 3rd World Congress in Cardiac Imaging and Clinical Cardiology (WCC ICC 2023) in Mumbai. The Governor released the book ‘Cardiac Imaging Update – 2023’ and the World Congress Souvenir on the occasion. President of the World Congress Dr C N Manjunath, Executive President of the World Congress and President of World Federation of Cardiac Imaging and Clinical Cardiology Dr G N Mahapatra, Founder and Chairman of Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical Sciences Indore Dr Vinod Bhandari, Chairman of Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) and Nuclear Scientist Er Dinesh Kumar Shukla and national and international delegates were present.