14.07.2022: Governor published ‘Aarogya Kosh’ and presiding over the MoU
14.07.2022: Governor published 'Aarogya Kosh' and presiding over the MoU
14.07.2022: Governor and Chancellor of Universities in Maharashtra Bhagat Singh Koshyari was presiding over the signing and exchange ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS) and the University of Notre Dame Australia in Mumbai. Governor also released the publication 'Aarogya Kosh', an encyclopedia of Healthcare and Medicine containing biographies of medical practitioners from Maharashtra on the occasion. The Arogya Kosh has been brought out by the weekly Vivek as part of its Platinum Jubilee series on the Makers of Modern Maharashtra. Minister of International Education from Western Australia David Templeman, Vice Chancellor of MUHS Lt. Gen. Madhuri Kanitkar (Retd.), Pro Vice Chancellor of University of Notre Dame Australia Prof Selma Alliex, Pro Vice Chancellor of MUHS Dr Milind Nikumbh and invitees were present.