13.03.2024: Prime Minister digitally launched the PM-SURAJ scheme and its portal
13.03.2024: Prime Minister Narendra Modi digitally launched the 'Pradhan Mantri - Samajik Utthan Evam Rozgar Aadharit Jankalyan (PM-SURAJ) scheme and its portal. The scheme has been launched to economically empower people belonging to socially backward classes, scheduled castes, tribes and other disadvantaged sections of the society. Maharashtra Governor Ramesh Bais attended the program through online mode.
13.03.2024: Prime Minister Narendra Modi digitally launched the 'Pradhan Mantri - Samajik Utthan Evam Rozgar Aadharit Jankalyan (PM-SURAJ) scheme and its portal. The scheme has been launched to economically empower people belonging to socially backward classes, scheduled castes, tribes and other disadvantaged sections of the society. Maharashtra Governor Ramesh Bais attended the program through online mode.