
    Address by Governor at the function to present autonomy certificate and inaugurate the Late Prof. S. Ramanathan Library and Laboratory blocks at the SIES College

    Publish Date: June 30, 2018

    Address by Shri CH. Vidyasagar Rao, Governor of Maharashtra at the function to present autonomy certificate and inaugurate the Late Prof. S. Ramanathan Library and Laboratory blocks at the SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Sion (W), Mumbai at 1100 hrs on 30th June 2018

    Dr Suhas Pednekar, Vice Chancellor, University of Mumbai, Dr V Shankar, President, South Indian Education Society, Shri J. Santhanam, Vice President, Shri S. Ganesh, Honorary Secretary, SIES, Dr Uma Maheshwari Shankar, Principal – SIES College of Arts, Science and Commerce, former Principals, teachers, staff, students, ladies and gentlemen,

    Good morning and greetings to each one of you.

    I rejoice with you as your beloved institution, South Indian Education Society embarks on a new journey as an autonomous institution. I congratulate the SIES College on being awarded Autonomy Status by the University Grants Commission.

    I will especially congratulate Dr V Shankar the most dynamic President of the South Indian Education Society for providing brilliant leadership to the institution and encouraging the institution to opt for autonomy.

    History informs us that the South Indian Education Society was inaugurated in the year 1960 by the first Chief Minister of Maharashtra late Shri Yashwantrao Chavan. It is fair to say that the growth and development of SIES has coincided with the development of Maharashtra as a leading State in the country.

    During the last 58 years, the SIES College has made outstanding contributions to the socio-economic progress of Maharashtra and that of the nation by producing many leaders in various disciplines. The list of alumni of SIES is truly impressive.

    I was particularly pleased to note that the College has adopted a tribal village in Karjat taluka of Raigad district and brought about an integrated development of the village. As Governor, I have special responsibility for the welfare of scheduled areas and therefore I welcome this initiative of the College wholeheartedly. Through such initiative, we also sensitize students about the socio-economic problems of society. This initiative is worth replicating by other Colleges.

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    SIES is starting its journey as an autonomous institution at a crucial juncture.

    India is poised to break into the league of developed countries. All developed countries have a highly developed higher education system with thrust on innovation and high-end research. It is not a coincidence that most of the top 200 universities and institutions of higher education are based in developed countries. India’s entry into the league of developed nations is critically linked to the nation having globally competitive institutions of higher learning which encourage research and promote innovation. Two recent developments in the field of higher education merit our attention.

    The Hon’ble Prime Minister has promised Rs.10,000 crore and autonomy to 20 universities – 10 public and 10 private to compete globally and emerge as the world’s best institutions.

    The second development is the proposal of the Government to set up the Higher Education Commission of India (HECI). This move has the potential to reform drastically higher education in India. A huge focus will be there on academic quality with emphasis on improving learning outcomes, evaluation of academic performance by institutions, mentoring of institutions, training of teachers, use of technology and so on.

    In today’s globalized world, the competition is also global. There is competition for the best professors and the best students. There are many doors open for good teachers and good students. We are witnessing how foreign universities are competing with each other in attracting our students to their campuses. These universities are offering scholarships and loans to attract and retain talented students. The only way to face the challenge is increasing our competitiveness in all areas.

    Students are demanding international learning experience. Students also want friendly and hassle-free administrative system.

    Autonomy will help educational institutions to institutionalize quality and accountability. It will help you to provide the top class learning experience and skills to students. It will provide you the freedom to adopt and incorporate modern teaching methods and practices into the curriculum. That is why assessing the quality of educational institution through national and even international bodies has become imperative. I would urge SIES to endeavor to get a good national rating for itself and even try for an international rating. Hereinafter you will create your own destiny and as Governor I foresee a bright future for SIES.

    I am happy that the renovated Library, named after Prof Ramanathan is being opened. I am extremely happy that an alumnus of the College Shri Mehul Shah has provided various equipment for the College laboratory.

    The College must rope in its famous and brilliant alumni for its growth. Their contribution can help the institution develop core facilities.

    I was happy to note that the Department of Biotechnology of Government of India has accorded ‘Star Status’ to all the seven Science departments of the College and given a financial grant of 77 lakh to upgrade infrastructure of the College. I would appeal to SIES to develop and nurture selected departments of the College into Centres of National Excellence on par with the best in the country.

    With these words, I convey my appreciation to all former Principals and well-wishers who were honoured today. I congratulate the entire SIES parivar on this momentous day in its history and wish the autonomous College glory and success.

    Thank you

    Jai Hind ! Jai Maharashtra !!