
    25.06.2024 : ‘Europe Day Celebration’, Hotel Taj Mahal Palace, Mumbai

    Publish Date: June 25, 2024
    'युरोप डे सेलिब्रेशन', हॉटेल ताज महल पैलेस, मुंबई

    ‘Europe Day Celebration’, Hotel Taj Mahal Palace, Mumbai, 25 June 2024, 7 pm

    Shri Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra, Film Producer – Director

    Smt. Manisha Mhaiskar, Additional Chief Secretary (Protocol), Maharashtra

    Shri Piyush Kaushik, President, Council of EU Chambers of Commerce in India

    Shri Rajeev Sharma, Senior Vice President, G4S India

    Shri Robin Banerjee, Chairman, Nucleon Research

    Dr. Smt. Renu Shome, Director, Council of EU Chambers of Commerce

    Consul Generals of various countries in Mumbai

    Captains of Industry

    Trade representatives

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    It is a great pleasure to be here amongst you on the occasion of Europe Day.

    I wish you all a very Happy Europe Day 2024.

    India is the largest democracy in the world. You have just witnessed the celebration of the festival of Indian democracy in the form of the biggest free and fair elections anywhere in the world.

    After attaining Independence, India has achieved unprecedented growth and development while preserving and strengthening its democracy.

    Over the years, the EU India Chambers has been working to strengthen India-Europe economic ties.

    It has played a key role in connecting the business and professional communities of India and the EU.

    The Chambers today serves as a key networking hub and help open doors to new opportunities.

    I am happy to note that the EU Chambers successfully organised the EU-India ‘Education Summit’. Important issues such as the National Education Policy 2020, skill development and technological advancement were discussed at the summit.

    I congratulate the Council of EU Chambers of Commerce for today’s beautiful event.

    I will especially thank the Chairman of the Council, Shri. Piyush Kaushik and Director Dr. Renu Shome for their hard work and efforts.

    EU Day is a symbol of the strong friendship between the European Union and India.

    Today the European Union has become a symbol of peace, unity and prosperity.

    India’s relations with European nations date back several centuries.

    The Indian freedom movement was inspired by the motto of the French Revolution – ‘Liberty, Equality and Fraternity’.

    Our constitution has taken some features from the British Constitution, Irish constitution, French, German and other constitutions.

    So in a way we are also connected to each other by the features of the constitution.

    This is a day to remember the shared values and principles that unite the European Union and India.

    The European Union is an example of how different nations can work together with common objectives, overcoming their boundaries and differences, and achieve prosperity.

    Today the European Union is India’s largest trading partner. Similarly, India is the 9th biggest trading partner for the European Union.

    In the year 2020, bilateral trade between our region reached 105 billion euros, which is projected to grow even further.

    India has set a target of becoming the third largest economy in the world. India also aspires to become a 5 trillion dollar economy in the near future.

    The economies of some countries are slowing down due to the protracted conflict in the Middle East and Russia and Ukraine.

    But on the contrary, the Indian economy is growing at a good pace. This is therefore the right time to further strengthen and upgrade our economic relations.

    Maharashtra is one of the most industrialized states in India, contributing the most to the national GDP.

    It is a fact that all the member countries of the European Union have trade offices or consulates in Mumbai.

    In recent years, countries that did not have their consulates in Mumbai till now have also opened their trade offices or consulates in Mumbai.

    India has also emerged as the youngest nation in the world. Many ageing countries of the world are looking up to India to meet their requirement of skilled human resources.

    I believe that the European Union and European companies present in India should take advantage of this opportunity and contribute to the skilling, reskilling and upskilling effort, apart from enhancing our trade and business ties.

    I am confident that Skilled India will be as beneficial for European countries as it is for India.

    Negotiations have been underway between India and the European Union for a long time to strike a ‘Free Trade Agreement’.

    This agreement will help reduce trade barriers and promote the exchange of goods, services and investments.

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    As the Governor of Maharashtra, I am also the Chancellor of 28 public universities. There are about 3 million students pursuing higher, technical and other professional education in our state.

    I would like the EU nations to promote cooperation at our university level.

    It would be good if your universities have ‘Indology departments’ where Sanskrit, Hindi and other Indian languages are taught.

    We have to encourage student exchange, faculty exchange and cultural exchange between our countries.

    Europe should organize a grand ‘European Union’ cultural festival in India every year.

    Similarly, ‘Namaste India’ and ‘Maharashtra Festival’ can also be organized in European Union countries.

    Well-known film producer Rakesh Omprakash Mehra is present among us.

    Quite often ambassadors of various countries tell me that wherever Indian films were shot in their country, those places became popular tourist destinations.

    I appeal to all of you to use the power of the Indian film industry to promote tourism.

    The number of Indian tourists visiting EU countries is constantly increasing.

    We want more tourists from EU countries to visit India, and especially to Maharashtra.

    On this ‘Europe Day’, I extend my congratulations to all of you.

    I look forward to a strong, sustainable and mutually beneficial partnership between the EU countries and India.

    Thank you !
    Jai Hind ! Jai Maharashtra !!