
    17.02.2025: Maha Governor presides over 74th Convocation of SNDT Women’s University

    Publish Date: February 17, 2025
    17.02.2025: Governor presides over the Annual Convocation of the SNDT Women's University in Mumbai

    Maha Governor presides over 74th Convocation of SNDT Women’s University

    Maharashtra Governor and Chancellor of the state universities C P Radhakrishnan presided over the 74th Annual Convocation of the SNDT Women’s University in Mumbai on Mon (17th Feb)

    Executive Director of Integrated Research and Action for Development Smt Jyoti Kirit Parikh, Vice-Chancellor, SNDT Women’s University and HoDs, Prof Dr. Ujwala Chakradeo, Pro-Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ruby Ojha, Registrar Dr. Vilas Nandavadekar, Director of the Board of Examination and Evaluation, Deans and HoDs, Principals, teaching and non-teaching staff and graduating students were present.

    A total of 15,392 students were awarded degrees and diplomas. In all 46 scholars were awarded PhDs while gold medals were presented to 77 students.